IOS 7 shoes red

With the arrival of iOS 7 Siri has been upgraded and now carries a few more tricks in the bag.
1) Changing Settings
With the new update, Siri can now change settings such as turning on or off Wifi or Bluetooth. Siri can also change the settings for more discrete features such as changing font size.
2) Learning uncommon names
Has Siri often stumbled upon certain names in your address book and you had to adjust the name so that Siri could understand? Well thanks to iOS 7 you can now say to Siri “pronounce [person’s name],” then follow the simple directions on the screen.
3) Twitter Integration
Now you can search on Twitter for the best laptops or post about your new trip to Mexico or just see what’s trending through simple commands. If you want to dig even deeper you can look up twitter-centric searches based on the popular hashtag.
4) Reading Email
The old Siri could tell you if you had an email, but the new one can now read those emails. By saying, “Read my email,” Siri will tell you the sender’s name, the date and time of the message, and the subject line. Other useful commands include reading the latest email or asking if you received an email from a specific person.
5) iTunes Radio
With the new addition of iTunes Radio, a Pandora-like feature to the Apple ecosystem, users can now ask Siri for a station or artist to start playing. For the exact phrase just include “Play iTunes Radio [artist,station]” and Siri will have you listening to your favorite station in no time.
These are only a few of the new features. Try

Johnson Jeng
Johnson Jeng
