Best Ways to Stay Warm Outdoors!

The Holiday season is quickly approaching, which means staying warm indoors and especially outdoors! Staying warm is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few useful tips that will help you stay nice and snug when the chilly seasonal weather rolls in. 

Drink Plenty!

It is often assumed that drinking water is only useful to keep your body cool. Water is actually a great source of heat and when consumed can help your body retain heat! Before leaving the house, drink a cup of hot tea or a warm drink to heat your body up from the inside out. 

Dress Accordingly!

Jackets are helpful but leave lots of tiny but crucial spaces where the cold can seep in. You want to make sure you're covered everywhere, not JUST with a jacket. Look for:




-Ear muffs

And in extreme weather even snow goggles!



Stay Updated!

When dressing for the weather, it is always good to check the weather before leaving home. Sure it might be cold, but how cold? You don't want to be the only one looking like the Michelin Tires man when its not snowing out, and you also don't want to be the one in a light hoodie when it is snowing!




Know your Limits!

Lots of people have different preferences and tolerance levels as to how cold they can handle their weather. If you know you're don't do well in the cold, dress warmer and take more precautions. The last thing you want is to be sick for the holidays! 


Wherever you go this winter, stay warm and stay charged with our portable battery packs!

Lisa Ilyin
Lisa Ilyin
