We all want to live well, look good and of course, save money. For all the busy moms out there, you know the cost of lunches add up, especially when it's not just your kid's lunch but also yours. You also hate that prepping dinner every night is so time consuming and for most a very tedious task to get done. Well, thanks to some easy recipes and a bit of planning ahead, it’s possible to make things easier. One quick and easy change to saving money is simply eating out less. Here's an easy guide to help you save your wallet and your waist-line, by spending less money.

- Food Prep.
- ~ We all see fitness freaks on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc. and all of their meticulous “food prep” tasks. Yeah, we know they have a great body, but it’s because they slave away at the gym and make fitness their life. For the rest of us, it seems easier to just go out and grab a bite to eat every once in a while, or maybe every other day. However, even if you’re not training to compete in a body builder competition, prepping your food in advance is still a good habit to make.
- ~ You don’t have to prep your meals for the entire week. One way to get meal prepping out of the way is by doing it all at once. While you cook dinner for your family, take a few extra minutes to pack up lunches either before or after dinner. This could save you a headache in the morning when you’re trying to decide what to pack the kids, and yourself, for lunch.
- ~ Don’t give in to “buying” a lunch. Packing your own lunch and that of your kids is also a nutritional benefit to your health and that of your family. Often times the food we buy out isn’t the best quality. Sure, we can enjoy a nice greasy burger and have it put our hunger on a pause, but is it really what your body needs? Packing your own lunch gives you the control to eat what you want and need.

- ~ You shouldn’t settle for the processed stuff. If you’re going to pay for a lunch that’s not good for you, you might as well buy GOOD food and pack lunches for the same (more often than not, less) money that you would spend on buying lunch. If you don’t believe this, make a list of your “lunch budget” for the week. Add it all up and see how much you’re actually spending on food out. Go to a health food store, or whatever super market you prefer, and get enough for a week’s worth of food. When you tally up the receipt and your “lunch budget” you will see that it’s more logical to pack a lunch.
- ~ The key to staying fit and in great healthy shape is by eating the right foods. If this seems like too much work for you, there are an array of apps and fitness bands available in the market today. With the extra money you save from not eating out as much, you can afford to treat yourself to a little fitness gadget; all ways technology can help you stay fit as well. And if you need some extra charge while you’re on the go, don’t forget your Juno Power battery. Portable chargers make excellent additions to the life of a busy, healthy, money-saving mom. :)
- Fun and Easy Recipes To Help You and Your Family Stay Healthy.
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Massiel Scheibner